Mobile Golf is a Japan exclusive sequel to Mario Golf for Game Boy Color. It came with much more courses, characters and minigames and even had online play!
The online play was possible thanks to the Mobile Adapter GB, which allowed japanese players to connect online and play a bunch of games such as Mobile Golf in 2001.
The game included exclusive DLC unlockables (extra characters, courses and clubs) that had been inaccessible since the servers closed... until now! Yes, the patch does not only translate the game, but it also allows you to unlock the DLC content progressively as you play.
So here it is: the long awaited english translation for Mobile Golf, the Japan only Mario Golf game that once had online play!
In order to get the game, you must provide a valid ROM dump of the original Mobile Golf (Japan) cartridge below.
Alternatively, you can patch the ROM yourself by downloading the english translation v1.2b patch file using an online patcher or an offline patcher.